Ep 17: 6/28/18 Progress Report

Ep 17: 6/28/18 Progress Report

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This week's episode is sponsored by my Patreon channel. 

For just $1/month, you can support this show and all of the content I produce. 

Special thanks to recent patrons Cariad Eccleston and A.D. Hay!


Quick overview of this week's show:

  • Two podcast interviews
  • How the relaunch of my YouTube channel went
  • New sponsor! (Seriously!)
Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode


Hello, and welcome to episode 17 of the podcast.

I was looking at stats for the show, and it has been downloaded over 1,000 times. That’s a great milestone for me.

I believe everyone starts at zero. I’ve got to start somewhere and I’ll take it, so thanks to all of you who have subscribed and have been listening to me every week.

I’d also like to welcome a new patron on Patreon, Amelia D. Hay. Thank you for your support!

Writing News

In writing news, I’ve been writing like a madman. I’ve written over 75 video scripts for my Author Level Up YouTube channel. I launched it early in the month, and the response has been overwhelming positive. Many of my subscribers commented in the first day alone and welcomed me back. It’s really amazing to see such great support, and I am grateful for it. I’m back to making videos again, and it’s a beautiful thing.

I’ve noticed that there are more YouTubers in the writing space since I left, and some might see that as negative, but I see it as a positive as I think there are some great collaborations that can be done.

Also, I’m making some pretty unique videos so I’m not worried about anyone copying me. Remember, when you’re authentic and create content that only you can, you don’t have to worry about copycats or haters.

For more information on why I started up my YouTube channel, check out Episode 14 of the podcast at michaellaronn.com/episode14. And check out the new Author Level Up videos at www.authorlevelup.com or www.youtube.com/authorlevelup.

As far as fiction goes, I’ve made minimal progress on my Sound Mage Sonata series, but as summer winds down and I’ve got the YouTube channel on autopilot, I cannot wait to dive back into it.

Marketing News

In marketing news, I did an interview with Dan Blank of the Dabblers vs Doers Podcast. Dan is my co-host for the AskAlli Member Q&A Podcast. We talk about creativity, how I’m able to write so fast, and all kinds of other fun aspects of being a creative. My wife heard this one—she doesn’t listen to all of my podcasts, but she thought this one was particularly good, so if my wife approves, then you should listen, too!

I also appeared on the Literary Roadhouse Podcast with my friend Anais Concepcion. I was a guest on this show a few years back, and what’s cool about them is that they discuss short stories. One short story per show, and the guest gets to pick. So I chose “The Bottleneck” by one of my favorite writers, Hans Christian Andersen. It was fun to get their reaction to this story.

I can also claim that I am probably the only guest on the Literary Roadhouse Podcast to pick a short story about an inanimate object. That’s how I roll.

Personal News

In personal news, my wife and I proud owners of a new rabbit. She’s a Flemish Giant named Fifi. She’s literally the size of a cat. It’s our first pet in many respects, and it’s interesting to watch rabbits. They’re very sensitive, social animals, and a lot like cats. Anyway, I’ll share some pictures of her on the blog post housing this podcast episode.

Also, life hit me pretty hard this month. We ran into some problems with childcare for my daughter, which ate into my writing time. For a while, things were really uncertain and I wasn’t sure what we were going to do. Of course, the writing was fine, but it was extremely stressful and definitely affected my output.

But I kept on charging forward and now that I’m on the other side of it, and things are okay now, I’m glad I did. But it just goes to show you that you never know when life will strike. All you can do is control your response.


Alien Dance Club Sponsorship

And no progress episode of this podcast would be complete without a new sponsor!

I’m telling you guys, Author Level Up is getting me some serious attention. I woke up yesterday and had an email from this guy—I think he goes by Green Man. He’s a DJ and my videos on creativity inspired him so much that he decided to write a book about being an unusual DJ in an unusual club. It’s a memoir, and I cried when I read it. I haven’t even made it past the first chapter. Poor dude.

Anyway, he sent some money my way and told me he’d sponsor a show as a thank you for all the help I gave him.

So thank you Green Man for the two thousand dollars, and here’s an ad for his dance club.

[CUE HOUSE MUSIC] This episode is sponsored by The Area 51 Dance Club. We’re a dance club like no other on Earth.

Open the door, step into the light and beam yourself up to the hottest singles club in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Our dance floor is made from the finest asteroids and we’ve got a live DJ every night, spinning dope records from artists like Galaxy Dude, 27 Moons, I Can’t Breathe, and more!

Don’t like to dance? Take a float in our anti-gravity room or go tanning under our microsun lights!

And don’t worry about finding a ride home—we’ll beam you down. After we observe your every move and implant a chip in your brain, that is.

Visit the Area 51 Dance Club today. There is an alien in us all. Let it out to play.


“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein.


Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.

If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.


 Let me know!

Ep 16: How I Record The Writer’s Journey Podcast

Ep 16: How I Record The Writer’s Journey Podcast


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This week's episode is sponsored by…(wait for it) The Writer's Journey Podcast!

This is my journey from nobody to bestseller, and I'm documenting every step of the way.

If you've enjoyed even 1 episode of the show, share the podcast with your friends using the buttons at the top and bottom of the page!


Quick overview of this week's show:

  • How I plan, record, and publish this podcast
  • The equipment and software I use
  • How podcasts helped me build my personal brand
Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode

Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little.

Sound Effects/Miscellaneous Credits:

 “Whoa/wow by yugidm16”: https://freesound.org/people/yugi16dm/sounds/323438/ 

Sound effects courtesy of Freesound.org.


    In this week’s episode, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of The Writer’s Journey Podcast and talk about how I design, write, and record this show. Stay tuned.


    Hello, and welcome to episode 16 of the podcast. I thought I’d take some time this week to talk about how I record this show.

    Believe it or not, this podcast is a pretty minimal effort for me.

    I only do podcasts if I can make them easy on myself. Otherwise, they can eat up a lot of your time with not much benefit in return.

    So I’m going to walk through every step of how I do this show.


    Designing Each Episode


    I broke the show into weekly themes. This helped keep some variety while also giving listeners an idea of what to expect.

    The first week of the month, I talk about the writing life.

    The second week of the month, I read a page from my sketchbook.

    The third week of the month, I go behind the scenes of something in my career.

    The fourth week of the month, I give an update on my writing progress.

    My ultimate goal is to be able to turn on my microphone and just talk.

    Because I’m doing a solo podcast, I have to work a lot harder to keep your attention since I don’t have a co-host or a person to interview.

    So to do this, I break each show into segments, and my secret is that I’m usually doing something to catch your ear every 60-90 seconds, which equates to about 150-200 words.


    See what I did there?

    When I’m writing the scripts for each episode, I start thinking about what kind of sound effects and audio I want to use. I imagine every episode as a three-act play, with a beginning, middle, and end. If I need a sound effect, I grab a public domain sound from Freesound.org.

    I also think in 150 word increments and evaluate where I can “break” the content up. That could be a sound effect, a joke, a turn of thought, music, whatever. I find that small cues at certain intervals keep you listening. It’s called a pattern interrupt, and something I learned to do quite effectively with video.

    I break up the larger segments of the show with a transition sound, which you’ll hear…right now.


    Writing the Scripts


    Since I have a pretty good format established, the next step is to write the script.

    I set a hard stop for myself at around 1,000 words, sometimes a little more. I find that this number translates nicely into about a 5-7 minute show.

    It usually takes me about 20 minutes to write, edit, and proofread each script, which is a little over an hour for the month’s episodes.

    I have fun when I’m writing these episodes, and it takes nothing for me to sit down and write 1,000 words about myself, my writing, or my thoughts on something. I don’t have to think twice about it.

    And because I am a one-draft writer, I trust myself to come up with the best thought the first time, and I spend only a few minutes reviewing what I wrote.


    Recording and Editing the Show


    I wake up at 5:30 in the morning, take a shower, sit down in front of my Blue Yeti microphone, which is on my desk. I open Adobe Audition, the program I use to record and edit.

    I hit the record button and I start talking.

    If an episode is 5 minutes, it’ll take me 6-7 minutes to record because I’ll occasionally make a mistake.

    I then edit the audio, cut out the mistakes, do a few engineering things to the audio to make voice sound louder and fuller.

    For example, here’s a sample of how I sound before sound editing: [CLIP OF MICHAEL SPEAKING WITH BAD SOUND]

    You can tell it’s pretty quiet and not quite so full.

    And here’s what that same audio sounds like after editing. [CLIP OF MICHAEL SPEAKING WITH GOOD SOUND]

    Once I’m done editing, I cut the audio into smaller chunks so I can share it on Anchor and share snippets of each show on social media.

    Then, I upload the audio to Libsyn, my audio hosting company.

    I also have a template blog post that I use for each episode. I copy and paste my script into WordPress and that’s all I need to do.

    I use Canva to create a thumbnail image for my blog. I have a simple template for this, and I grab images from a royalty-free website to add some color to it.

    I schedule the podcast and blog post to go out around midnight on Thursday.

    I also have social media automated to share every time I release a new episode, so I don’t have to do anything with this.


    And That’s a Wrap


    That’s it. From a monthly perspective, I can design, write, record, and publish all of my podcast episodes in 2-3 hours.

    Once I become more successful, I can scale this and outsource it to someone. When I do that, we’re talking around a 1 hour per month commitment for what I think is a pretty high value show.

    All of that to bring good content you to fine folks.

    If you’re interested in starting a podcast, you can check the show notes for links to all the equipment and programs I use.

    If you have a message, then I recommend looking into podcasting. It’s a wonderful, cost-effective way to build an audience, just like I’m doing for this show.


    My Podcasting Gear

    Blue Yeti USB Microphone (Affiliate Link): https://amzn.to/2I7voeX

    Adobe Creative Cloud (which contains Adobe Audition): https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud.html

    FREE Alternative to Adobe (Audacity): https://www.audacityteam.org/

    Free Sound Effects: https://www.freesound.org

    Canva: http://www.canva.com 



    “I like to pretend that my art has nothing to do with me.” – Roy Lichtenstein


    Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.

    If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.


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    Ep 15: My Run-In With a Dangerous Pyramid Scheme

    Ep 15: My Run-In With a Dangerous Pyramid Scheme


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    This week's episode is sponsored by Dream Born, Book 1 of the Magic Trackers series!

    Aisha Robinson has unusual powers—she can control people's dreams. Follow her and her two cousins as they battle to protect the city from mind-eating demons in this fast-paced urban fantasy inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Dresden Files. Start reading with Dream Born, the first book in this urban fantasy series told from the eyes of an African-American heroine.

    Link: www.michaellaronn.com/dreamborn 

    Series: www.michaellaronn.com/magictrackers 



    Quick overview of this week's show:

    • My encounter with a seemingly innocuous “company” disguisted as a pyramid
    • A crazy account of what happened behind closed doors
    • The story of two people trapped
    • (Thank goodness I escaped!!)
    Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode

    Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little.

    Sound Effects/Miscellaneous Credits:

    Applause 1 by Sandermotions: https://freesound.org/people/Sandermotions/sounds/277022/Applause1

    Christian awareness message by congito perceptu: https://freesound.org/people/cognito%20perceptu/sounds/406026

    Needle Skip ZE Sound Research Inc: https://freesound.org/people/ZeSoundResearchInc./sounds/117512/

    Sound effects courtesy of Freesound.org.


    Have you ever been in a situation where things seemed perfectly normal, and then something happens that makes you realize that it’s actually not very normal at all?

    In this week’s episode I’m going to talk about a run-in I had with a pyramid scheme company. This memory stands out as one of the strangest and most bizarre things I’ve ever experienced, and something I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Stay tuned.


    Hello, and welcome to episode 15 of the podcast.

    Today I’m telling my pyramid scheme story. I’ve told this to friends, but never the writing community, so here goes.

    The year was 2006. I was a freshman in high school. I was going to a small private college in Iowa, and as one of the only black people, I was trying to make the best of it.

    If you’ve never met me in person, it probably wouldn’t surprise you to know that I’m fairly outgoing and friendly, even though I’m socially awkward and an introvert at heart.

    I remember introducing myself to a lot of different people my freshman year, just trying to find people that I could relate to.

    That’s where this story begins.





    The Beginning of Bizarre


    It’s my freshman year of college, and I’m standing in line at the college grill, waiting to buy a hamburger. There’s a guy standing in line front of me, and I smile and nod to him.

    Slightly balding strawberry blonde hair, which was unusual for someone his age. Short, wearing a blue baseball cap, gray athletic shirt, and basketball shorts.

    We start chatting and actually ended up eating dinner together.

    He tells me about how he is majoring in business and how he is actually an entrepreneur, selling products in his spare time.

    He strikes me as a geeky kind of guy, but not the entrepreneurial type.

    I, not knowing what entrepreneurs are at the time, am impressed. I want to know more.

    He invites me to a weekly conference that he attends and says that he’d love to have me learn more about his company.

    Being a young college student with no money, I agree to join him.

    Mistake #1.


    The Middle of Bizarre, Part 1


    A few days later, we arrive at a local hotel. My acquaintance is dressed up, wearing a black suit and tie, which is a complete wardrobe reversal for him.

    There are signs everywhere directing us to the conference center, a gigantic ballroom in the back of the hotel. Crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a big stage in the front with blue and green lights shining in the center.


    There are people everywhere, crowds and crowds of them, like your typical conference.

    They’re all dressed up, too. I’m wearing a lavender button-down oxford and jeans, and I feel out of place.

    As we’re pushing through the crowd, people are calling out my acquintance’s name.

    As he shakes hands and waves at people, I think to myself, this is awfully elaborate for a weekly conference.

    He introduces me to his district manager, a mousy guy who’s my age, which is saying something because I’m only 19.


    The Middle of Bizarre, Part 2


    We sit at a table and the manager tells me how he’s invested his life into the business.

    He had a full ride to a prestigious school in the Midwest United States, but he dropped out of college to be a businessman, and he’s all-in.

    I ask him what the company sells, and he tells me they sell… products. He hands me a brochure. There are energy drinks, shakes, exercise accessories. Things I would hardly call entrepreneurial.

    It also doesn’t make sense that he keeps claiming he’s an entrepreneur, yet he’s employed by this company.

    I pepper him with dozens of questions, and to this day I don’t think that he ever gave me a clear answer on exactly what the business was or how it made money.


    Instead, he asks me point blank, “do you want a new future?”

    I’m taken aback.

    “You’re a smart guy,” he says. “And black. You could really make a name for yourself in this industry.”

    I politely decline.

    He asks again, I decline.

    He asks me again, and I tell him “look, dude. I’m cool.”

    Then he gets up and walks away, tells me that he’ll check in with me after the conference.

    He’s not going to take no for an answer, and that’s when my gut tells me something’s not right here.


    The Middle of Bizarre, Part 3


    More people sit down and I find myself sitting next to an Asian woman about my age.

    I ask her some questions and we start chatting. I’m sensing some flirting, and she is pretty attractive.

    She’s dressed in a tan blouse and a long pencil skirt. There’s a pen tucked behind her ear and she has a portfolio on her lap filled with eloquently written notes about profit & loss, supply & demand, target markets and funnels. She strikes me as smart and assertive.

    She tells me that she works for an aquarium manufacturer by day, but that she dreams of being her own boss. I ask her what she sells, and her answer makes zero sense.

    Still, I like her personality and her energy.


    The Middle of Bizarre, Part 4


    The conference begins.

    The lights dim, everyone claps, and a tall man in a double-breasted suit jogs on stage. He looks and sounds like a pastor.

    What ensues is a sermon, but not about God. This sermon is about business.

    The guy chastises everyone in the room for not activating their full potential, and then he praises them in the next sentence for being brave and taking their lives into their own hands.

    He talks about how he just bought a brand new Cadillac because he was a good businessman. He calls two people up to the stage, hands them the keys to THEIR brand new Cadillacs because they are the sales people of the year. Everyone claps.

    The whole time, the woman is taking notes, filling up page after page.

    I’m confused.



    The End of Bizarre


    I’m chatting with the Asian woman the whole time, and we’re hitting it off. Despite the fact that I have no clue about the business she’s in, I’d like to get to know her better.

    I’m pretty shy when it comes to these things, but I mustered up the courage to ask her out for…ice cream.

    Her eyes light up when I ask the question, then she says to hold on, she needs to ask her manager if he would give her permission to go out with me for ice cream. [CUE NEEDLE SKIP]

    She ventures through the crowd, asks the manager I confronted earlier. He gives me an evil look.

    Then she wanders back over and says “I’d really like to go out with you, but he won’t allow it.”

    My head is about to explode.

    I tell her thanks, and good luck.

    Then I turn.

    And I run like hell.

    True story.

    So that’s my pyramid scheme story. I researched that “company” later that night and found out that it was, in fact, an alleged scheme. I read horror stories of people who invested tens of thousands of dollars into it, only to find themselves in a dangerous physical, financial, mental, and emotional danger, usually from manipulation.

    I won’t share any more because I don’t want anyone to know what company I’m talking about. This is some scary stuff.

    I can laugh about the event now, but I remember feeling really sorry for that woman.

    She was definitely in over her head. Whatever kind of relationship she had with her “boss”, it couldn’t have been healthy. Not if she couldn’t think for herself.

    I read stories of “managers” controlling every aspect of people’s lives, even telling them what to wear and say. I’m pretty sure some manipulation was at work here.

    I think sometimes if maybe I should have done something. Called the police and reported the incident. But I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t have ended well for her OR me. I hope she got out.

    Or, maybe I was completely wrong and misread the situation. Or maybe she misunderstood what I was asking. I don’t think so, though. I was pretty clearly asking her out on a date.

    I never saw her again.

    As for the acquaintance that dragged me to the event, I don’t know what happened to him, either.



    “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” – Henry Rollins


    Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.

    If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.


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    Ep 14: Return of Author Level Up

    Ep 14: Return of Author Level Up


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    This week's episode is sponsored by my YouTube channel, Author Level Up!

    Write better & faster, find readers, and be prolific. Most importantly, have fun. New videos for writers every week. 

    Subscribe today at www.youtube.com/authorlevelup


    Quick overview of this week's show:

    • Why I started my YouTube channel for writers and why it went into a hiatus
    • Why I'm bringing it back
    • What it takes to design, run, and maintain a YouTube channel
    Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode


    In this week’s episode I’ll be talking about why I’m returning to YouTube and the fun, sometimes stressful process in building a channel.

    Birth of Author Level Up

    Hello, and welcome to episode 14 of the podcast. Can I just say that fourteen is a really good number? Just sayin’. There’s a thunderstorm going on outside my window, I’ve got a cup of my favorite tea, and I’m behind the mic bringing you another episode of the Writer’s Journey Podcast. So thanks for listening.

    As a creative entrepreneur, one of the most difficult things to do is reign in your imagination. You have so many ideas and you want to run with them all, but at the same time you know you can’t and you have to pull yourself back.

    This was the case with me in 2015, which, in many ways, was the most important early year in my publishing career.

    I was doing a LOT of stuff. I wrote my first official series, Android X, which is still doing pretty well today. I published my first nonfiction book, Interactive Fiction, which did surprisingly well. It’s a steady little earner for me. I did my first collaboration with my friend, Justin Sloan, which resulted in our Modern Necromancy series.

    In my personal life, my daughter was still a newborn so I was getting zero sleep. I had just started a new job in a new department with people who I would get to know and respect very much.

    I look back at 2015, and it’s all a blur for me.

    Somehow, some way, I had an idea to start a YouTube channel for writers.

    I don’t even remember why. Honestly. I just remember being very inspired, and spending lots of long nights planning the channel’s design, the programming, and doing lots of research.

    I called it Author Level Up, and like most of my projects, I launched it with zero expectations. I focused on creating good content and getting better with every video.

    It was actually one of the most important things I did in 2015.

    Video Marketing for Writers: New Territory


    When I started Author Level Up, there weren’t very many YouTubers serving the writing community.

    Writers seem to prefer podcasts, which are great, but sometimes the popular podcasts are guilty of covering the same thing at the same time, and it turns into an echo chamber.

    I love podcasts—obviously because I have one!—but I’m not an interviewer.

    In fact, I’m terrible at making conversation. Really terrible. So I didn’t want to embarrass myself by doing an interview show. There were plenty of those.

    I also didn’t want to do a solo podcast because I didn’t think I’d be interesting enough for people to care.

    Instead, I started a YouTube channel, and I focused on being visual.

    Now, I’m a socially awkward, shy, introvert, so decision to put myself on camera was a strange one. Again, I credit having no sleep.

    But surprisingly, because there were not many YouTube channels on writing, mine grew pretty fast.

    I did over 100 videos and racked up 2500 subscribers in one year. Not great results, but pretty good.

    It also landed me on Joanna Penn’s Podcast, which led to some other opportunities for me to build my brand.

    I had to put the channel on a hiatus because my life got hectic, but I received a lot of emails asking me to bring it back.

    So I’m bringing it back.


    Starting Over


    Author Level Up has nearly 5,000 subscribers now, which is double what I had when I pressed pause. That tells me a lot.

    It tells me that my videos were doing a lot of things right.

    It tells me that that’s how I can make my mark in the community.

    I loved shooting video and kept wanting to go back to it. Now that I can, I want to do it better.

    Some of my videos, such as my outlining methods video and my Ulysses writing app review, have been wildly popular and have racked up tens of thousands of views.


     Again, not incredible if you compare it to say, a beauty channel or a gaming channel, but for the writing community, that’s pretty impressive.

    One thing I didn’t do with Author Level Up was monetize it. I cared more about creating good information and sharing it to help people.

    But I’ve learned a lot since the hiatus and will be doing some things to turn the channel into a business.

    Don’t worry, I’m not selling out.

    But doing videos is something I love almost as much as writing fiction. I would be a fool not to do something more with it.

    People have told me that the videos I made helped them. That’s not going to change. Instead, I’m going to figure out how to deliver even more value to my videos, and do some experimental things that haven’t been done in the writing space yet.

    Anyway, I’ll share more on that in a future episode.

    But I’ve purchased a new camera, lights, software and technical gear to up my production quality, which was already pretty good. It’s going to be better now.

    I’m also shifting my focus to writing craft, product reviews, and marketing. Like this podcast, I’m going to focus more on my own personal journey, as I feel people resonate with that a lot more than just giving basic advice.

    So I’ll wrap up this week’s episode by inviting you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, Author Level Up. You can find it at www.youtube.com/authorlevelup.

    You can also visit my website at www.authorlevelup.com

    The new videos will launch in July, and I couldn’t be more excited.


    “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell


    Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.

    If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.


     Let me know!

    Ep 13: Old Dark Audiobook Preview

    Ep 13: Old Dark Audiobook Preview


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    This week's episode is sponsored by The Last Dragon Lord series, now available in audiobook on Amazon, Audible, and Itunes, narrated by Miles Meili!

    Old Dark is a viperous dragon lord who rules the world with brutality. When a conspiracy threatens his life, he seeks revenge. This series is a unique twist on dragons that will keep readers guessing.

    Start reading with Old Dark, the first in this dark fantasy trilogy. Available in ebook, paperback, and audio.

    Series Link: http://www.michaellaronn.com/thelastdragon 

    Book 1 Link: http://www.michaellaronn.com/olddark 



    Quick overview of this week's show:

    • Preview of Book 1 in my Last Dragon Lord series
    Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode

    Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little.

    Old Dark audiobook narrated by Miles Meili.


    Hello there, and welcome to episode 13. It’s May 31st  as this episode goes live, and this happens to be one of the few times in the year where there are actually five Thursdays in the month instead of four.

    It’s Memorial Day here in the United States, and if any of you listening are serving or have served in the armed forces either here in the United States or in another country abroad, I want to thank you for your service.

    To end the month, I thought I would play an exclusive excerpt from a new audiobook I just published for my dark fantasy series, The Last Dragon Lord.

    I think you guys will really like this one. I consider The Last Dragon Lord to be one of my cornerstone series, and its protagonist, Old Dark, to be one of my best heroes.

    Here’s a clip from Old Dark, Book 1 in the Last Dragon Lord series, narrated by Miles Meili. Enjoy.




    “Who else calls for me but the hoarse-sweet voice of power? I run to it, drunk with rage–every color turns for me into a shade of crimson. But ah—when I am in power's embrace, I am as benevolent as a winter's storm.”

    Lord Alsatius Dark II, known as “Old Dark”

    Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.

    If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.


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