Ep 17: 6/28/18 Progress Report
- Two podcast interviews
- How the relaunch of my YouTube channel went
- New sponsor! (Seriously!)
Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode
Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little.
“Kilikia (Nocus Mix) by Diezel Tea: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Diezel\_Tea/Kilikia/Diezel\_Tea\_-\_Kilikia\_-\_03\_Kilikia\_Nocus\_Mix
Hello, and welcome to episode 17 of the podcast.
I was looking at stats for the show, and it has been downloaded over 1,000 times. That’s a great milestone for me.
I believe everyone starts at zero. I’ve got to start somewhere and I’ll take it, so thanks to all of you who have subscribed and have been listening to me every week.
I’d also like to welcome a new patron on Patreon, Amelia D. Hay. Thank you for your support!
Writing News
In writing news, I’ve been writing like a madman. I’ve written over 75 video scripts for my Author Level Up YouTube channel. I launched it early in the month, and the response has been
I’ve noticed that there are more YouTubers in the writing space since I left, and some might see that as negative, but I see it as a positive as I think there are some great collaborations that can be done.
Also, I’m making some pretty unique videos so I’m not worried about anyone copying me. Remember, when you’re authentic and create content that only you can, you don’t have to worry about copycats or haters.
For more information on why I started up my YouTube channel, check out Episode 14 of the podcast at michaellaronn.com/episode14. And check out the new Author Level Up videos at www.authorlevelup.com or www.youtube.com/authorlevelup.
As far as fiction goes, I’ve made minimal progress on my Sound Mage Sonata series, but as summer winds down and I’ve got the YouTube channel on autopilot, I cannot wait to dive back into it.
Marketing News
In marketing news, I did an interview with Dan Blank of the Dabblers vs Doers Podcast. Dan is my co-host for the AskAlli Member Q&A Podcast. We talk about creativity, how I’m able to write so fast, and all kinds of other fun aspects of being
I also appeared on the Literary Roadhouse Podcast with my friend Anais Concepcion. I was a guest on this show a few years back, and what’s cool about them is that they discuss short stories. One short story per
I can also claim that I am probably the only guest on the Literary Roadhouse Podcast to pick a short story about an inanimate object. That’s how I roll.
Personal News
In personal news, my wife and I proud owners of a new rabbit. She’s a Flemish Giant named Fifi. She’s literally the size of a cat. It’s our first pet in many respects, and it’s interesting to watch rabbits. They’re very sensitive, social animals, and a lot like cats. Anyway, I’ll share some pictures of her on the blog post housing this podcast episode.
Also, life hit me pretty hard this month. We ran into some problems with childcare for my daughter, which ate into my writing time. For a while, things were really uncertain and I wasn’t sure what we were going to do. Of course, the writing was fine, but it was extremely stressful and definitely affected my output.
But I kept on charging forward and now that I’m on the other side of it, and things are okay now, I’m glad I did. But it just goes to show you that you never know when life will strike. All you can do is control your response.

Alien Dance Club Sponsorship
And no progress episode of this podcast would be complete without a new sponsor!
I’m telling you guys, Author Level Up is getting me some serious attention. I woke up yesterday and had an email from this guy—I think he goes by Green Man. He’s a DJ and my videos on creativity inspired him so much that he decided to write a book about being an unusual DJ in an unusual club. It’s a memoir, and I cried when I read it. I haven’t even made it past the first chapter. Poor dude.
Anyway, he sent some money my way and told me he’d sponsor a show as a thank you for all the help I gave him.
So thank you
[CUE HOUSE MUSIC] This episode is sponsored by The Area 51 Dance Club. We’re a dance club like no other on Earth.
Open the door, step into the light and beam yourself up to the hottest singles club in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Our dance floor is made from the finest asteroids and we’ve got a live DJ every night, spinning dope records from artists like Galaxy Dude, 27 Moons, I Can’t Breathe, and more!
Don’t like to dance? Take a float in our anti-gravity room or go tanning under our
And don’t worry about finding a ride home—we’ll
Visit the Area 51 Dance Club today. There is an alien in us all. Let it out to play.
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein.
Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.
If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.