Episode 46: New Tool: Urban Fantasy Book Database

In this episode I talk about what could be one of my greatest accomplishments as a writer to date—my new Urban Fantasy Book Database tool. It helps urban fantasy readers find their next favorite book in just a few clicks, and it seriously awesome! I talk about the process of creating it, why I did it, and how helping readers will ultimately help me become a better writer.

Visit the UF Book Database: www.theauthorhelper.com/ufbookdatabase 

How I Created this Tool (Warning: Very Detailed and Thorough): https://youtu.be/rOvgBqFf9BU 

Visit John P. Logsdon’s Books: http://www.johnplogsdon.com 

Visit Ben Zackheim’s Books: http://www.benzackheim.com

John & Ben’s awesome service for writers: http://www.readerlinks.com

And be sure to follow along on my journey to write a novel in public: http://www.mlmcknight.com

Episode 45: I was overwhelmed recently (but I’m OK now)

In this episode I talk about the last week…boy was it overwhelming! But I’m fine now. I talk about how I managed through a full-time job, law school stuff, non-profit work, launching a new course, writing a new novel, developing a new tool for writers, and responding to over 200 emails…all in one week.

Check out all the past episodes on my website: www.michaellaronn.com/podcast

My YouTube Channel for Writers: http://www.youtube.com/authorlevelup

Also, join my Fan Club to get 3 free novels, early launch pricing, and notifications whenever I release a new book: www.michaellaronn.com/fanclub

If you like the show, don't forget to rate and leave a review!

Episode 44: How I Afford My Writing

Writing isn’t cheap. In this episode I talk about how I afford my writing and some ways my family and I cut costs to pay the way for my books.

My New Urban Fantasy Pen Name (M.L. McKnight): http://www.mlmcknight.com

Show Notes (including a transcript and sound credits): www.michaellaronn.com/episode42

Check out all the past episodes on my website: www.michaellaronn.com/podcast

My YouTube Channel for Writers: http://www.youtube.com/authorlevelup

Also, join my Fan Club to get 3 free novels, early launch pricing, and notifications whenever I release a new book: www.michaellaronn.com/fanclub

Episode 43: My Goals for 2019

Every new year brings new opportunities. Here’s what I have planned for 2019.

My New Urban Fantasy Pen Name (M.L. McKnight): http://www.mlmcknight.com

Show Notes (including a transcript and sound credits): www.michaellaronn.com/episode42

Check out all the past episodes on my website: www.michaellaronn.com/podcast

My YouTube Channel for Writers: http://www.youtube.com/authorlevelup

Also, join my Fan Club to get 3 free novels, early launch pricing, and notifications whenever I release a new book: www.michaellaronn.com/fanclub

If you like the show, don't forget to rate and leave a review!

Sound/Music Credits:

Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/RyanLittle//kickpush

Episode 42: December Report Card + Crazy New Project

In the final episode of 2018, I recap everything I’ve accomplished this year. I have a lot to be proud of in 2018, but I’m more excited about what’s on the horizon. Join me as I look back.

Also, I talk about a RIDICULOUS new project that I’m embarking on starting on Dec. 28th, and it’s either going to be cool or end miserably for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way!


My New Urban Fantasy Pen Name (M.L. McKnight): http://www.mlmcknight.com

Show Notes (including a transcript and sound credits): www.michaellaronn.com/episode42

Check out all the past episodes on my website: www.michaellaronn.com/podcast

My YouTube Channel for Writers: http://www.youtube.com/authorlevelup

Also, join my Fan Club to get 3 free novels, early launch pricing, and notifications whenever I release a new book: www.michaellaronn.com/fanclub

If you like the show, don't forget to rate and leave a review!

Sound/Music Credits:

Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/RyanLittle//kickpush