by Michael La Ronn | Oct 31, 2017 | Author Updates

I'm back to my writing normal this month, especially compared to last month which was quiet for me. Lot of updates to give everyone!
I have just wrapped up Delicious Zeal, Book 3 of the Moderation Online series. The series is done and now available for sale. Check out the covers below:
Click here to grab Book 1 – Food City.
In other news, I am participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year, mainly for my podcast listeners to follow along to see how I write a novel in one month with limited time & resources. Follow me here.
Finally, the novel I am writing during NaNoWriMo will be an urban fantasy centered on dreams & phobias, and a heroine who can control others' dreams. The cover will be done by next month's update, so I will be posting it then.
Special show this month! Jay & I recorded an episode for the Indie Author Fringe at the Frankfurt Book Fair called How to Be A Part-Time Author with Full-Time Results. We talk productivity, tools and pro writing techniques. —>
If you haven't noticed, I am in the process of a branding update. I've learned quite a bit since I started publishing in 2014. I am rebranding many of my old series with new covers to give them a refresh. You'll notice a consistent look:

My author name at the top, book title at the bottom. While each series is different (with different designers usually), the feel is consistent, which is a subtle change that I will be implementing moving forward. I'm doing this with the long-term goal of a unified library, where everything looks consistent to new and existing readers. Additionally, my long-term goal is to branch out into audiobooks, and having a consistent look goes a long way with readers in that format.
Also, I aced my law school midterm, so that's exciting!
Aside from that, thanks for reading this month. Next month I'll have new covers and a new series reveal.
by Michael La Ronn | Sep 30, 2017 | Author Updates

Quiet times this month!
Honestly, it's nice to have a quiet month for a change. I always feel that I have to recharge after a series. Usually takes me about 2 weeks to get back into gear, and I'm just starting to do it now.
My LitRPG series is going well. I'm about 1/3 through Book 3, which is the final book in the series. It will probably take me a little longer to finish this one, as it will be in the 60,000-70,000 range, and my first semester of law school classes is pretty rough. But it's all good, and it's coming together VERY nicely.
In other news, I've sent my Galaxy Mavericks short story off to the editor. It will be included in an upcoming space opera anthology. I know, I know…I keep teasing it, but it's going to be awesome!
Another great episode of The Beginners' Self-Publishing Salon with Jay Artale. This month, we talk about book covers! This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, and my book covers have gotten considerably better as my career has progressed—I'm by no means an expert, but I do know what to look for and how to work with a designer.
Law school is going great. It's exactly what I expected, so in many respects I was well-prepared for it.
And if that weren't enough, I've taken a new job as well! So that is always fun, juggling life, school, and writing. But it's one of the things I do best. If anything, it will be another challenge for me to keep the writing going, which is something I've done pretty good at these last four years. And it makes me more of an expert on the topic.
Thanks for tuning in this month. Next month I will have the first new covers of my LitRPG series!
by Michael La Ronn | Aug 31, 2017 | Author Updates
Fun times this month!
Lots of stuff to discuss, so I'll jump right into it.
The Galaxy Mavericks series is officially finished. Books 8 & 9 have been published, and all the books are also available in paperback. If you want to grab them, start here.
If you'd like to read a snippet of Book 1 – Honor's Reserve, check it out here.
[bctt tweet=”Check out @michaellaronn's #spaceopera—Galaxy Mavericks—>” via=”no”]
I was also invited into a space opera anthology, and I wrote a Devika Sharma short story that serves as a prequel to the GM series. That won't be available until next 2018, but I figured I'd give you guys something to look forward to! There will be 20+ other space opera short stories in this anthology. You'll love it.
In other news, my next series will be in the realm of LitRPG. For those who haven't heard of this genre, it's basically one that takes place in the realm of a video game.
My existing series, Eaten, is currently being rewritten and will launch probably around the holidays.
New title, new format, etc. Book 1 has already been renovated, with Book 2 to follow this month. I'll be writing Book 3 over the tail end of the summer/early fall, with new covers in October and the series (hopefully) ready for relaunch by end of the year. The series will be approximately 3-4 titles.
Eaten is a series that hasn't done terribly well for me, but this was originally conceived to be a video game, so the transition will make sense. I will share snippets from the renovated series in the coming months, and you guys will love it. It will still have all the things that Eaten readers love about it—it'll just be more cohesive.
I also believe in finishing what I start, so it will be another finished series that future fans read from cover to cover.
My very first novel has received a makeover. Check it out. Many thanks to Lou Harper who helped me out with this. The novel hasn't changed—just the cover.
So grab it here if you haven't had a chance to read it.
I am in the process of rebranding my older works, so more to come on this.
In other news, I was interviewed on The Prolific Writer Podcast with Ryan Pelton. Ryan's a great interviewer–poised, relaxed, and he asked me some questions that I've never been asked before.
[bctt tweet=”Writing after a near-death experience: an interview with @michaellaronn #writing #authors” via=”no”]
In this month's episode of the AskAlli Beginner's Self-Publishing Salon, my podcast co-host Jay Artale and I discuss all things editing–how to find an editor and how to work wtih one. Great episode, and I get a little feisty near the end!
[bctt tweet=”Editing your novel: choices, choices choices #askalli” username=”michaellaronn”]
I haven't told many people this, but I have just started law school. As if balancing writing, a full-time job, and family weren't enough…I decide to and throw law school in the mix (while keeping my job, at that).
Why? Because this was a long-term goal for me from the beginning, to do grad school of some kind. The school I picked and the curriculum were right for me. So that will be a fun challenge for me, to keep up my writing while in school.
However, I'm treating this as a non-issue and a non-event because I will continue writing, so don't worry about that. It'll take some getting used to, to be sure, but I do well under pressure. I thrive under it, actually.
Of course, I invite you to check out my Patreon page if you haven't already. I would appreciate your support.
Happy reading, and talk to you next month.
by Michael La Ronn | Jul 25, 2017 | Author Updates
I've been bad.
Why? I haven't done a good job of communicating what's going on with me.
Historically, I've just been terrible at it because:
- I move at the speed of light (seriously) and if I forget to share it right away, it becomes old news.
- I'm an introvert and not used to talking about myself.
But a reader took me to task over this recently, and it made me think about it and how I can let you guys know what's up with me.
I'll be doing a once-a-month author update article that will get you up-to-speed with what I'm doing.
I'll also be doing a separate, once-a-month blog article that will give you a sample chapter from an upcoming work, a glimpse into a new novel I'm researching, depending on what I'm working on and where I am in the process.
Moving forward, you can expect to hear from me on this blog about 1-2 times a month, around the middle and end of the month.
[bctt tweet=”[bctt tweet=”So @michaellaronn's blogging again. Watch him not fail this time—> #scifi #books” via=”no”]
I'm working on Horizon Down, Book 9 in the Galaxy Mavericks series. It'll be the final one. Kind of bittersweet to finish this series, but it's one of my best. Check out the covers for Books 8 & 9.

If you haven't read Galaxy Mavericks, start here.
If you'd like to read some snippets of the series on this blog, start here.
[bctt tweet=”#spaceopera that rocks—Galaxy Mavericks series by @michaellaronn—> #scifi” via=”no”]
I upgraded my website. It's a lot more user-friendly and much faster now. A couple things to check out if you haven't seen them yet:
- $1 Series Starters—a great intro to my work at an awesome price
- Audiobook page—check them out if you're looking for something to listen to on your next commute.
I started a new podcast. I have joined the Alliance of Independent Authors (Alli), and I am co-hosting the AskAlli Beginners' Self-Publishing Salon, where I give advice to newer authors who are just starting on their journey.
The podcast is part of Alli's podcast network, and the other hosts are all movers & shakers. Very humbled to be part of the crew.

I did an author interview. Learn more about me, how I write my books, and how I manage to write 5-7 books per year with a full-time job and a child:
I am starting law school next month. It's not writing news, but it's going to be a big life change for me. So I'll be talking about that, too.
- My first book, How to Be Bad, is being rebranded with a new cover and title. Look for it next month's update.
- My next series will be LitRPG. If you've never heard of LitRPG, basically, it's a story that takes place inside a video game. I won't say too much about right now other than that I'll be reimagining my existing Eaten series into this genre. It'll be awesome, I promise.
See, I wasn't kidding about having lots of news, was I?
I've also revamped my Patreon page for anyone who wants to check it out. I would love any and all support.
Talk to you next month!