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Quick overview of this week's show:

  • Snippets of songs that I wrote around 2005-2010.
Sound/Music Credits for this week's episode

Intro/Outro Music: “Kick. Push” by Ryan Little.

Songs by Michael La Ronn in order of appearance:

“Watercolor Sunrise”


“The Gaza Strip”

“Alien in the White House”

“Saffron Sky”

“Sewers (Going Nowhere)”

“Fight, Desi, Fight!”

“Beijing Industrial Complex”


All songs featured in this episode (except for the intro/outro music) are copyright 2005-2010 by Michael La Ronn. All rights reserved.


You just heard a song called “Watercolor Sunrise.” And guess what? It was written by yours truly!

This episode features music written by me. Because in order to understand where I’m going, you’ve got to understand where I’ve been.

Before I Was a Writer, I Was a Musician

Hello, and welcome to episode 10. The podcast is now 10 episodes old, and that’s worth celebrating!

Before I was a writer, I was a musician. I wanted to be a video game music composer. I grew up listening to Japanese video game music composers religiously, and I didn’t see any black faces in the video game industry, so I wanted to make my mark there.

My songs were a mix between video game music and jazz, and they were a lot of fun to write. From the time I was 15 until 22, I wrote over 120 songs, and I had to get creative because I didn’t have state of the art equipment.

The music you’re going to hear in this week’s episode is nearly 10 years old, but I think you’ll be able to hear my creativity, a unique sound that doesn’t sound like anything else. It’s me trying to find myself.

I’m glad I ended up on the writing route. But it’s fun to look back every now and again.

Enjoy the music in this episode.



I enjoy being happy every day, and hopefully you can hear my happiness in my music. Life is beautiful.” –Christina Milian

Show's over, but it doesn't have to stop here.

If you liked this episode, you and me are probably kindred spirits.


 Let me know!